A first attempt at 3D Art

So today, I finally watched the ending to the (Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing) Anime known to all as, none other than, Tokyo Ghoul. Only I later (about 30 seconds later to be exact) found out that there supposedly is a season 2 in the making!


So yeah as I was fan-girling over the climactic, though evidently not climactic, fight between Kaneki Kun and Jason, a wee thought entered my innocent little head.

‘Why not….. DRAW.. this Sh*t Daanyaal….. you know you waaant to…’

So in the end, a combination of boredom and more-boredom, led me down this dangerous yet life-changing adventure. And here was how it went:

The all important ‘ingredients’ used were:

Some scissors, a pencil, a fineliner, a giant rubber, and the most majestic oaken table money can surely buy.

Some scissors, a pencil, a fineliner, a giant rubber, and the most majestic oaken table money can surely buy.

Drawing an image to look 3D(ish) is slightly different from a normal, 2D, less-life-changing one! As you can see, when looking at the drawing head on or from a slightly different angle, it will look elongated and kind of disproportionate. Not that theres anything wrong with that of course… If that’s your thing then you run with it sunshine! Run with the wind!!

Oh you beauty!

Oh you beauty! Photobomb level: Topi

As you can see ’tis not the best of drawings by any means but ah well! Don’t hate appreciate B-) 😛

Finally all thats left was to draw an imaginary line across the page, cut along this very line and take a picture at *just* the right angle to create:


In any case it is time to unveil
Which is in need of unveiling O.o

So without further ado:

Oh and don't forget to add the weird flower buds coming out the characters back! That always helps....

Oh and don’t forget to add the weird flower buds coming out the characters back! That always helps….

So yes there you have it, not brilliant but all in all I’m happy with it as a first attempt, despite that shocking shading..

And how daaare you think otherwise !

If you read all the way until the end, You the real MVP

Laters 🙂

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5 thoughts on “A first attempt at 3D Art

  1. memoirs of a book sniffer says:

    I’m a real MVP! My life goals have been reached
    Loved this! I can’t draw to save my life You did such a good job it looks awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mr says:

    im a very big fan of yours, I would like to meet you in person and share ideas with you concerning modern contemporary art. Can you also release tutorials on how to draw 3D art as i think it will be very useful to others.


  3. haleemah says:



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