√At last! It has arrived….

It’s finally here. The moment we’ve ALL been waiting for, the return of the one and only….. Tokyo Ghoul!!!! Whoop! Try not to get tooooo excited please. Your head will explode.  Srs.

In case you haven’t seen the series yet, refer to this post and hopefully you’ll be hypnotized by my woooords to watch it. Spooky.

And if you’re actually planning on watching the episode, then watch it now because I’ll probably spoil a few things here and there. You will come back though, right?

So without further ado: My take on Tokyo Ghoul √A

First thing’s first, you simply can’t make a Tokyo Ghoul review without mentioning the opening.. you just can’t. It would go against, well, everything. Saying ‘the standards were high’ would be a grave understatement my friends.

And you know what? Contrary to popular opinion, I actually enjoyed it. I told myself not to compare it to it’s predecessor and that must have helped. Because I loved it. Suuuure it was 2 minutes of a barely animated, topless, groped Kaneki… And of course it wasn’t nearly as exciting as others. But that wasn’t it’s purpose.

Although it was a nice, calm and serene sequence, there was definitely a lot of sadness in there also.  And this, in my opinion, must be a way of setting the tone for  future developments of the plot, as well as with Kaneki himself. What with those darn inner struggles and all…

Moving on, this is purely speculation but something, deep inside me ticker, tells me that ‘The Owl’ is actually the old dude from Anteiku. If it is him, then….. Wow. Since when did he have such raw power?! If it is the old guy (who’s name I don’t remember in the slightest) then respect to him for choosing the small business-running life over the eating of the entire human race… life.

Following The Owl we were then shown some mental footage of Ayato absolutely tearing into Touka (which incidentally broke my heart in like… 5 different places). But just before his finishing blow….. In came…

The 130 Pound, White haired, Kakashi-looking half ghoul from Tokyo, Japan. None other than….

Kennnnn Kaneki!

To be honest the only thing I’m remembering whilst writing this, was when he knee’d Ayato in the balls, which may explain why I’m currently sat cross-legged. Ouuuuuuch. Even though the fight was pretty short, we still got to see Kanekis ‘badassness’. Just a day or two ago he wouldn’t stand a chance against Ayato but now he’s telling him to be quiet and let him speak!?!?!

Can simple Maths really do that to a man??? What’s 1,000 minus 7? If only I paid more attention in school -_- 


The 'looking into the distance' pose comes free with the mask

The animation throughout was completely on point. The last scenes in particular were simply perfect. Even down to the small details like the snow etc…

Overall, I thought the episode was really well made. The fighting scenes mayyyybe could have been longer but I still feel they were sufficient. It tied many things together yet also lead to some very interesting questions..

What actually is Ayato’s overall goal?
Who are all these new ghouls????
And why has Kaneki joined the Aogiri!??

Personally I’m quite excited to hopefully find all this out in the near future.

If I was to give it a rating out of 10.. which would have saved all that time you just wasted… Then this episode would getttttttt…….. a 7. I think that’s fair.


Thank you for reading, if you’ve seen the episode or the show then let me know your views in the comments????? Worth a shot lolll

P.s If you’ve read the manga then no spoilers plOx.

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5 thoughts on “√At last! It has arrived….

  1. I think it has potential, I read the manga (don’t worry I won’t spoil anything) and this is going in a totally different direction. The character development was really well done in my opinion and hopefully this season does it justice! I’m anxiously awaiting the rest of the season!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sky says:

    Nice review! I actually freak out when he said he wants to join Aogiri. I was hesitant at first to watch this because it’s an anime original and plans to read the manga instead but, from positive reviews from the manga readers, then I’ll still continue watching it.

    and how about you make a review of Ansatsu Kyoushitsu? It’s a new anime too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anastasia says:

    😀 I’ve wanted to comment on this back when I liked this but then I hadn’t seen the 2nd season yet. Now I have seen two episodes, ha! 😀 I wish there’s be more of Kaneki…maybe after episode 3…
    I tried reading manga a bit but I didn’t like it at all. Comparing to anime it was somehow less than I expected it to be.

    New ghouls, I’m guessing they are some outcasts. Kaneki joining Aogiri was so random… I was like where did that come from o.O

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